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Hit Down on Golf Ball The Top 5 Easy Drills – 2023

No question that hitting down on the golf ball is key to getting consistent distance and accuracy. You will know here-Top 5 Drills to Hit Down on Golf Ball. But, many golfers struggle with drills to hit down correctly on golf balls. If you are one of those golfers, don’t worry – we have some exercises to help you get the hang of it. Keep reading to learn more.

Why Hitting Down on The Ball is Important

Why Hitting Down on The Ball is Important – Drills to Help You Improve Your Golf Swing and Get Better Contact. When you hit down on the golf ball, it helps to compress the ball, which leads to better contact and a straighter shot. While this may seem simple, it’s challenging to do consistently. Fortunately, a few drills can help you develop the proper technique.

First, try placing a tee an inch or two behind the ball. As you swing, focus on making contact with the ball before the tee. This will help ensure that you’re hitting down on the ball correctly. You can also try using a practice to increase swing to imaginary golf balls placed on different spots on the ground. This will help you feel where you need to make contact to correctly hit down on the ball. With some practice, you’ll be hitting down on the golf ball with ease.

5 Best Drills to Hit Down on a Golf Ball

1. Hit The Line to Hit Down on Golf Ball

Drills to Hit Down on Golf Ball: You can improve your game by hitting down on the golf ball. When you make contact with the ball, it will cause the ball to spin. This spin will help the ball to travel in a straighter line. To hit down on the golf ball, you need to make sure that you are swinging on an upward arc. You should also ensure that your clubface is square to the ball at impact. You can use drills to help you develop the proper mechanics for hitting down on the golf ball.

One gold exercise is to set up a tee to level with your sternum. Hit balls from this position and focus on making contact with the tee. Another drill is to place a ball on a pizza pan. Hit the ball and try to keep the pizza pan from moving. These drills will help you develop the proper body muscle memory for hitting down on the golf ball.

2. Left Hand Dominance Drill to Hit Down on Golf Ball

Left-handed golfers often find it challenging to hit down on the ball, resulting in a loss of distance. One way to combat this problem is to practice with a left-hand dominance drill. This drill involves placing your left hand on the club grip and your right hand behind the neck. The goal is to swing the club without moving your left hand. This will help you develop a proper downswing, allowing you to hit the ball with more power and accuracy. In addition, Left Hand Dominance Drill will also improve your coordination and timing. So if you’re looking to add some extra yards to your drive, give this drill a try.

3. Two Ball Takeaway Drill to Hit Down on Golf Ball

This is a great drill to help correct an inside takeaway or if you tend to hit down on the golf ball. Tee up two balls, one behind the other. Take your normal stance and grip but keep your eyes on the back ball. Take the club back, keeping the clubface square and hitting the rear ball first. Then let the momentum of the swing carry the club onto the front ball. Two balls are much harder to control than one, so this will force you to focus on making a level.

Shoulder turn and achieving proper extension in your takeaway. You can experiment by teeing the balls up at different heights to see what grade works best for you. You want the back ball to be high enough so that it doesn’t get in the way of your swing. But low-sufficient, you still have to try to hit it first consciously.

A couple of inches off the ground is usually a good starting point. Keep your head down throughout the swing and focus on making solid contact with both balls. Remember, slow and steady wins the race when it comes to making lasting changes in your golf swing Sequence.

4. Golf Alignment Stick Drill to Hit Down on Golf Ball

Golf alignment sticks are one of the most popular and versatile training aids. They can be used for various purposes, including helping you develop a consistent swing plane, improving your balance, and working on your impact position. One drill that is particularly effective for hitting down on the ball. This drill involves placing the alignment sticks on the ground just outside your feet—the posts pointing toward your target. Take your stance and make some practice swings, ensuring that you keep the sticks in place throughout your swing. This drill will help you to develop a feel for hitting down on the ball, resulting in more consistent contact and greater distance. Give it a try next time you’re at the driving range!

5. Grip Club and Alignment Stick to Hit Down on Golf Ball

Grip the club and alignment stick together in your left hand and step away from the golf ball. Take a few practice swings, keeping the club and alignment stick in position. When you’re ready to hit the ball, step up to it and make sure the club is lined up with the alignment stick. Take your shot and keep the club and alignment stuck in position. Repeat this drill until you feel comfortable hitting the ball with the proper grip and alignment. This drill will help you improve your correctness and consistency on your shots.


Use a light grip on the club and try these drills to improve ball striking. These best golf tips should help you get started thinking about how you can hit down on the ball for more consistent results. Let us know if this sounds intimidating and if you want to help enact these principles. Our team of experts is ready to help you.

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