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How to Hit Golf Ball Higher With Drivers ( 7 Steps )

Like most golfers, you probably want to hit your golf ball higher with your driver. This post will discuss tips for how to hit golf balls higher with drivers. There are a few things that you can do to help improve your ball striking and send the ball soaring into the sky. Keep reading to learn more!

Tee the Ball Higher to Hit Golf Ball Higher

Teeing the ball higher will help you hit the golf ball higher with your driver. When the Tee is positioned too low, it forces the golfer to make contact with the lower portion of the ball, which can cause a shot that goes lower than intended. Teeing the ball higher allows you to make contact with the upper part of the golf ball, which will result in a higher shot. In addition, Teeing the ball more lavishly gives you a better chance of hitting the sweet spot on the clubface, which will also lead to a higher shot. Finally, Teeing the ball higher makes it easier to hit it at an upward angle, which is necessary for generating height in your photos. Teeing the ball higher is a small change that can significantly impact your ability to hit the golf ball higher with your driver.


Play The Ball Further Forward in your Stance

One of the most prominent mistakes golfers make when trying to hit down the ball higher with their driver is playing too far back in their stance. This creates a steep attack angle, leading to a shot that goes low and left. Instead, you want to play the ball more towards the front of your stance, with your weight shifted forwards. This will help you create a shallower attack angle, resulting in a higher, more powerful shot. Another critical tip is to make sure that you keep your head down and your eyes level with the ball throughout the swing. Lifting your head too early will cause you to lose power and accuracy. If you can master these two techniques, you’ll hit the ball higher and straighter in no time!

Tilt Your Shoulders (Back Shoulder Lower)

One of the most disappointing things in golf is hitting the ball fat or thin. Hitting it fat means you hit the ground before the ball, resulting in a loss of distance and a big divot, and hitting it slender means you caught the ball too high on the clubface, resulting in a loss of distance and accuracy. Both are bad, but hitting it fat is usually worse because you risk damaging your club. If you want to hit the ball higher with your driver, you can do a few things.

First, tilt your shoulders, so your back shoulder is lower than your front shoulder. This will help you to swing up on the ball rather than down.

Second, keep your weight forward as you golf swing. This will also help to increase your golf swing up on the ball and make communication with the sweet spot on the clubface.

Finally, don’t be afraid to tee the ball higher than you usually would. This will give you a little more height and help you to avoid hitting it fat. If you follow these tips, you should be able to hit the ball higher with your driver and avoid those dreaded fat shots.

Increase Your Launch Angle To Hit Golf Ball Higher

Hitting the golf ball higher with your driver can be a difficult task. But you can do a few things to increase your launch angle and hit the ball higher. One of the most important things is ensuring you have the proper loft on your driver. If you don’t, hitting the ball high in the air will be tough. You also need to ensure that you are using a light grip and swinging smoothly and without hesitation. Lastly, focus on hitting the ball on the upswing and accelerating through impact. If you can do these things, you will be well on your way to hitting the ball higher with your driver.

Increase Spin Rate To Hit Golf Ball Higher

You can do a few things to hit the golf ball higher with your driver. One is to increase the spin rate. This can be done by using a softer ball or changing your grip. Another is to tee the ball up higher. This will help to launch the ball into the air more efficiently. Finally, confirm you are using the correct loft in your club. A higher loft will produce more lift and help you hit the ball higher. By following these simple tips, you can start hitting the golf ball higher and improve your game.

Check the Loft on Your Driver

For many golfers, hitting the ball higher with the driver can be challenging. One of the main reasons for this is that most drivers have a relatively low loft, which makes it challenging to get the ball airborne. Additionally, the sweet spot on many drivers is soft on the clubface, making it easy to miss-hit the ball and sail it into the rough. However, you can do a few things to increase your chances of hitting the ball higher with your driver:

  1. Check the loft in your club. If it is set too low, you may want to consider adjusting it.
  2. Make sure you are using a properly fitted club.
  3. Focus on making solid contact with the ball and striking it in the center of the clubface.

If you can do these things, you should see a marked improvement in your ability to hit the ball higher with your driver.

Check Your Golf Ball

Check your good golf ball to ensure it is not too high on the clubface. This will decrease the backspin amount, which will make the ball fly higher. Check for a small dimple on the top of the ball; this is where the sweet spot is located. You want to ensure that you hit the ball in the sweet spot for it to fly the highest. If your golf ball is too high on the clubface, it will cause you to hook or slice the ball.

Another tip for hitting the golf ball higher with your driver is to tee it up higher. You are increasing the launch angle by teeing the ball up higher, which will make the ball fly higher. The ideal launch angle is between 10 and 16 degrees. To achieve this perfect launch angle, place the golf ball on a tee to sit just below your driver’s center of gravity. This will help you to get more loft on your shot and hit the ball higher.

Finally, make sure you use a driver with enough loft for your swing speed. If you swing slowly, you will need more loft on your driver to hit the ball high into the air. The average driver has between 9 and 11 degrees of loft. you also should know How Golf Balls Bounce.

However, if you swing slowly, you may need 12 or 13 degrees of loft driver to hit the ball higher. Drivers with more loft will also help you to hit the ball straighter because they have less sidespin. If you have to troubleshoot your driver high into the air, talk to a golf professional about getting fitted for a driver with more loft.

FINAL THOUGHT About Hit Golf Ball Higher 

Try these techniques the next time you are out on the golf course and see how much higher you can hit your ball! If you have other tips or tricks to help you hit the ball higher, let us know in the comments below.

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